January 2022

January 12, 2022 1 min read

Our first staff spotlight of 2022 is the wonderful Berdine! Berdine is one of our sales associates in store so if you've popped in looking for that perfect skein or asked for advice on your latest project you might have already met her.

Berdine joined us in autumn last year and loves being surrounded by all the colours in the store. She has loved learning all about the different types of yarn and chatting about crafts with customers and colleagues alike. Berdine is actually a weaver and is totally self taught, her love of creating with yarn started when she was studying Fashion and Design at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. She has now been weaving for five years and uses both a rigid heddle loom and a 16 shaft loom so if you're looking to try weaving with some Stephen & Penelope yarn Berdine is the person to ask.

Berdine weaves a wide range of things from bags to wall hangings to clothes, and she has just finished making a dress. She has recently started knitting her first scarf which she has found is a fun project to work on and learn new skills. When Berdine isn't creating beautiful objects in yarn she can be found watching TV or listening to audiobooks, especially fantasy novels.