May 2020

May 15, 2020 1 min read

Julia is the Stephen & Penelope Operations Manager. She was born and raised in Germany (the region of Frankfurt/Main) and moved to Amsterdam around 20 years ago to live with her best friend, now her husband. They have a son who was born 2008. He is on the autism spectrum and is the sunshine of their lives.

Julia worked for many years in the contemporary art world before making the switch to the contemporary yarn world in 2017. She has held a range of positions with the company, including working in the shop, managing our e-com department and now in senior management taking care of operations and HR. Julia is also our festivals manager and loves the opportunity to travel to events around the world to meet fellow yarnthusiasts.

Having always altered patterns to better suit her shape and tastes, Julia is now designing her own knitting patterns and loves sharing them with others. You can find her designs on Ravelry and in Issue 33 of Pom Pom Magazine.