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Giggling Gecko Yarns

December 01, 2020 1 min read

Judy Bantli is the dyer behind the yarn company GigglingGecko Yarns. Judy is American but has been living overseas for nearly a decade, first in Singapore, where she met her husband, and now in Switzerland where she lives with her Swiss husband and 15 month old son. In a previous life, Judy was a shoe developer and colour was a big part of her design role, so now she plays with colours on yarn instead of sneakers!

Judy started dying yarn in 2017: buying hand dyed yarn and shipping it into Switzerland was difficult and expensive, so she started GigglingGecko Yarns. Isabell Kraemer released Beloved Berlin cowl in September 2017 and this pattern, written for GigglingGecko's Socklandia Singles, got Judy's yarn onto lots of needles world-wide. The three colours of the cowl are still on high rotation in Judy's dye-pots today!

Judy is a keen knitter, though mostly knits at night after her son Kai has gone to bed. She loves knitting shawls and sweaters (like that gorgeous Soldotna in the photo!) and is currently working on a secret test knit for Gretha Mensen, the Fleur shawl by EspaceTricot and is about to cast on a sweater for Christmas. You can find the freshly re-stocked GigglingGecko Yarns Socklandia Singles on our website.